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Important Date
**The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 15th July**
Call for Papers
Topics of ICBHI 2024
- Medical Devices, Medical Imaging, and Bio-signal Processing
- Biomedical Informatics
- Cybersecurity and Healthcare Information
- Biodata Management and Analytics
- Advanced mHealth Inspired Applications
- User Interaction Systems and Data/Information Exchange
- Applied Connected Health and Integrated Care Systems
- Personalized Health Systems
- Preventive and Multimorbid Disease Management Tools
- Patient Safety and Efficient Public Health Systems
- Translational Research
- Biomedical Informatics and Technology Education
Competitions of ICBHI 2024
- Scientific Challenge Competition
- Young Investigator Competition
- Student Competition
Special Sessions of ICBHI 2024
- Digital Health Day Special Speeches
- CODATA: Healthcare Data Sharing
- Healthcare Cybersecurity
- Healthcare Open Data
- IUPESM MEP Workshop
- Clinical Engineering Forum
- Women in MBE Forum
- Education in Biomedical Engineering
- IFMBE Asia-Pacific WG mini-symposium
- IFMBE Industry mini-symposium
- Molecular Imaging mini-symposium
- Medical Device Innovation
Submitting your paper
The submission and review of the papers are managed through ICBHI2024 conference management system.
Authors must have an account in order to submit a paper. If you have do not have an account at ICBHI-2024 , you must create one.
- Login to the conference submission page.
- Upon a successful login through the conference submission page, click on "New submit" from the menu bar.
- Complete the form which includes: Author information, Title and Abstract, Keywords.
- To upload your file please click on "choose files" in the uploads box and find the corresponding files.
- Click "Submit" to finish.
- The submission confirmation screen will appear.
Abstract instructions for authors
- Abstract title length must not exceed 200 characters (including spaces).*
- The Body of abstract: the length must not exceed 800 words, whichever is rea(including spaces)ched first. * Please do not include figures, tables, equations or references and refrain from using formatted text (bold, italic,…) in the abstract.
- Keywords: while submitting, provide also 3 to 5 keywords (to be entered separately, not as a part of the abstract).
* Note that these are hard limits that the submission system will apply. This means that any text copy-pasted from another document will be automatically truncated to the maximum allowed length.
Information for Authors
As you may already know, Springer has developed a very innovative publishing approach which entails making your work available in as many parallel formats as possible (printed copy, eBook, epub for iPad, Kindle edition etc.). This is also reflected in the preparation of the manuscript and means that all files you submit will be converted and re-formatted according to the Springer branded style. For this reason, it is no longer necessary for you to spend valuable time putting the final touches to the manuscript.
The following applies to the IFMBE Proceedings:
- The recommended paper range for the conference proceedings is around 2000-3000 words.
- Each paper must be submitted with:
─ Abstract
─ Keywords
─ Introduction, methods/materials, results, conclusion/discussion
─ Conflict of interest declaration
- Citations should be numbered
- Basic Reference Style will be implemented by Springer.
- Figures should be saved as TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Accepted papers presented at the conference will be published in the ICBHI 2024 proceedings in the IFMBE Proceedings Series. The IFMBE Proceedings series is an official publication of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings are indexed by Google Scholar. Thomson Reuters and Scopus index many volumes in their ISI Proceedings and the Scopus database, respectively. Further information: http://www.springer.com/series/7403.
Preparing your proceedings paper
English is the official language for all submitted papers. Submissions should contain original work, not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The final paper should follow the IFMBE proceedings format with 4-6 pages.
The author must upload an extended abstract in PDF file format through the conference paper submission system first. After your paper is accepted, upload your final paper in PDF file format to the system. At the same time, email the source file of your final paper and Copyright form (filled and signed) to the secretariat. The source file usually contains the manuscript file in MS Word format and high resolution figures.
Compliance with Ethical Requirements: All authors must comply with Springer's ethical policies and include statements in their manuscripts declaring whether there are any conflicts of interest in their paper. Papers will not be published without these statements.
Instructions for authors
- Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings: GUIDELINES [PDF]
- Everything about how your paper should be structured, how elements (headings, figures, references etc.)
should be formatted, which elements must be included etc.
- PLEASE follow these guidelines so that the Proceedings can be produced and published quickly and on time.
- Template files with instructions for Word: WORD TEMPLATE PACKAGE [ZIP]
- Template files with instructions for LaTeX: LATEX TEMPLATE PACKAGE [ZIP]
- Contributor Agreement LTP (License to Publish) form: WORD FILE