Giuseppe Fico PhD
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
In this talk the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare processes based on digital transformation and Key Enabling Technologies (KET) such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be discussed. As a central hub in terms of healthcare expenditure and a traditional area of operation for Clinical Engineering, the talk will be focused in hospital settings, but considering the regional and national aspects of public healthcare services. Therefore, aspects such as Value-Based Healthcare, comprehensive care, and coordination between primary, secondary, and tertiary care centers, as well as social policies and health in all policies, in rural, urban, and remote communities, and finally the economic-industrial fabric will be fundamental. The talk will be developed along three main horizontal research lines:
- Design, development, and evaluation of connected healthcare technologies, in line with Industry 4.0 and 5.0 paradigms.
- Digital transformation in health, in line with the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
- Human factors, change management, and decision support systems for healthcare processes in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for the implementation of healthcare devices.
Giuseppe Fico is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and researcher at the Life Supporting Technologies group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. He is an affiliated researcher with the Group of Surgical Research Innovation and a member of the research commission at the Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain. He is President-Elect of the European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering, member of the Digital Health Division and collaborator of the Clinical Engineering and Health Technology Assessment Divisions at the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering Division. He acted as Technical Manager of the ACTIVAGE, GATEKEEPER and ODIN large-scale pilots funded by the EC and coordinates the IHI BEAMER and IMPROVE projects to enhance treatment adherence and health outcomes. He also lectures on Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunication Engineering at UPM.